
i just wrote this for my counseling class. two pages on "my view on counseling." here it is:

At first thought, I didn’t really think I had many thoughts on counseling, or at least, not enough to really write about. But as I think back through the years and analyze not just my life, but my ministry, I cannot help but realize that I have a high view for counseling, and greatly respect the impact counseling has as an integral part of ministry. For starters, as believers, I believe we are commanded to use God’s Word to bring the shalom of the Lord with us, while using it for education, healing, and restoration as well. In addition to that, I can personally attest to the value of counseling, as I myself have sought counsel over the years, for healing and wisdom. I have also seen the power of counseling in my ministry over the years, since working with youth ministry definitely brings its share of people craving counseling and guidance. I think that at the very least, those three things have shown me that there is a deep need for Christian counseling, as it brings compassion, healing, and wisdom.
It seems almost overwhelming to attempt to narrow Scripture down to a key verse that defines the value of counseling. Jesus’ discourses alone would make for a entire book series on counseling, especially Matthew 18! However, I personally feel that 2 Timothy 3:16-17 sums up the merit of Scripture and what it can do: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work (ESV).” Paul is telling Timothy that all of Scripture is from God Himself, and has the power to teach, correct, and train. While these verses are commonly associated with teaching and discipling, I feel that these verses also powerfully show that The Word of the Lord may be mightily used for counseling, as counseling also is concerned with teaching, correcting, and training. And as Paul states, all of Scripture has this power, which means that from cover to cover, Scripture can be used for the healing in counseling.
In my own life, I have seen several counselors over the years. In fact, some of the deepest times of spiritual growth came through times of Christian counseling. I had at one time thought that counseling was mainly for people that needed someone to tell them how to cope with their life’s struggles, but as I became older, I realized that I could find great advice, strength, and wisdom through counselors at my church, both while in Charleston and in Rock Hill. These Godly men used Scripture to remind me that I could not allow my past struggles and failures to define me, that I had been adopted and redeemed, and that I was called into a life of freedom. After years of struggling with guilt and shame for my past, God has used these counselors to shape and direct my heart for hearing God’s truth.
Conversely, after being in youth ministry for the past 11 years, I have had the blessing of counseling teenagers through more crises and tragedies than I can even recall. Many times, there were situations I had no idea how to even begin counseling these broken-hearted students. Some times, I was placed in a situation where I could counsel with victories from my own personal struggles. But almost every time, the Lord made me aware that it was all for His glory, and that these were opportunities to share the power of the Lord with students who were aching for some semblance of peace in their lives. Again, I was made aware first-hand the value and necessity of Scripture-based counseling.
And so as I look back through the years, I can see that God has used my life and my situations to not only bring me to Himself, but to prepare me for a life of serving others. And a majority of that service has been through counseling. After experiencing the power of Biblical counseling personally, I can readily recommend others to seek the same wisdom. And without the opportunity to counsel teenagers, I know that my own ministry would be severely limited. But perhaps the most important aspect that I continually need to return to is the knowledge that it is only through the wisdom and understanding of the Lord am I able to counsel others. It is only through His Word can I find peace and healing myself. So, if I were to summarize my view of counseling, I would have to say that if the counseling is focused on the power of God and His Word, then seeking counsel is not just a good suggestion, it becomes a necessity.


  1. Wow!! Bravo & well done Thom!! ;-) I enjoyed your paper, you are a smooth, clear & easy-to-read writer. (okay, i just sounded like a teacher!) But, seriously, your words come from your heart and the path you have walked thus far in life--your testimony breeds credibility. I love how the Lord shows off through our lives-by using the very guilt & shame to comfort and guide others! Wow!!! Thank you for sharing that with me, look forward to talking with you in person tomorrow! Good night!


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