Thursday, October 8, 2009

Grim Fandango...

It shone, pale as bone
As I stood there alone
And I thought to myself how the moon,
That night
cast its light
On my heart's true delight,
And the reef where her body was strewn.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


so. i switched from lj to blogspot, as you can tell. if anyone other than tj even reads this thing. but my problem is, i never really know what to say.

i mean, part of me wants to use this avenue to share my innermost questions and concerns, but how much of that do i really want just floating around on the interweb?

do i just use this to say what's been going on lately? i mean, isn't that what i do on facebook?

ugh. i just don't know. sometimes i feel there's just so much stuff going on inside of my head hat i wish i could get out. not in a negative way, but in a creative way. but since i'm trying to do so many things at once, i don't have the drive to see it all the way through. i want to get back to writing music, or writing my own graphic novel, or just writing a book in general. but since i'm trying to attempt so many things, i just don't have the focus to actually do anything at all.

apparently, i even lose track of writing blogs. oh well.

happy rockthomberfestathonaganza, everybody!

Monday, September 21, 2009

hello blog. i haven't written in you lately. i mean, i posted that paper i wrote, but that doesn't really count. does it?

so i recently started dating amy dixon again. which is awesome. i've missed her a lot over the past few years, and during that time, hated the knowledge that i let her go. but it seems the past few years have really been good for us. God used that time to break us down and rebuild us for His glory, and He brought us back together, too. i'm just terrified, because i know how selfish and sinful my heart is, and i'm terrified because i don't want to hurt her again. i know that i'll end up letting her down. that's human nature. we all let people down at some point. but this time, i want to make it work. i just have no idea how to do that.

school's kicking me in the butt. it's a pretty intense work load this semester, and i'm trying to keep to a schedule to get my work done. but dang, it's rough.

and the kids at church? amazing. there's something BIG going on in the hearts of those students, and i can't wait to see what happens next. i'm hoping for a huge revival to spread into the hearts and homes of the students' families, and into the church. i want to see these kids take this city by storm, in the name of the Lord. i wonder sometimes about revivals from church history, and if right before it happened, people felt like they were the brink of something huge. did God reveal himself in such a way that they knew the church was a part of something greater than themselves?

Thursday, September 10, 2009


i just wrote this for my counseling class. two pages on "my view on counseling." here it is:

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

well, here it is august 4. summer's almost over. the year is more than half over, which means the yeard is over half-way to it's potential. what a wild summer. seriously.

hanging out with friends, reading about love and zombies, being broken and restored, it's been one heck of a summer. and then there are summer camps, and vbs, and nights at the park, and swine flu. and catching up lost, and psych, and sliders. there's been ddr, and karaoke, and mario kart (kinda), and peanuts, and that weird olympics game on the wii.

and i've learned of God's goodness. and His sovereign nature. His provision.

i've had talks about baptism, and doctrine, and tradition.

there's been excitement, and joy, and confusion, and frustration.

i've learned that i am repeatedly attracted to females that are not attracted to me at all.

i've realized how much more difficult it is to lose weight than to gain it.

it's been one heck of a summer. and i've loved it. there's been healing and restoration and lessons learned all over the place. i have great friends that are closer to me than my own family. and for the first time ever, i think i'm actually becoming content with where i am. not comfortable, but content. it's weird.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

First post here...

so i've been on livejournal for years, and i'm starting this now. it's just easier to stay connected this way, i suppose. i'm hoping i can import my old lj stuff, but if not, i'll just link to it.
