
Showing posts from July, 2012

The Power of Words

I love words.  Language.  Grammar.  All of it.  I am a lover of good grammar, and am always impressed by a person who displays a robust vocabulary.  There's just something about words, and language in general.  Words have power; to build or destroy; to encourage or humiliate; to love or to hate.  Unfortunately, the problem with words is that they can become quite twisted rather quickly.

Generosity in Action

As many of you already know, we had a semi-tragic loss within our family a couple months ago.  And by semi-tragic, I mean Isaac lost his Ugly Doll that he carried around with him everywhere.  I made the mistake of bringing Turny Burny (said Ugly Doll's name) into WalMart with us as we picked up a few items.  I looked down at one point, and Burny was nowhere to be found.  I searched that store three times.  Every aisle, looking under shelves on every aisle we went down.  I was devastated, even though Isaac really didn't know what had happened.

Of Chik-fil-A and Tolerance

It's been a long time since I actually blogged in here.  I've thought about it for quite some time, even talked about getting back into.  I just couldn't find that last little "oomph" I needed to push me back into it.  Until recently.  I have tried to restrain myself from conversations and threads and blogs, but I have finally broken.  I just can't stand to read about what Chik-fil-A did or did not say in the news.