well, here it is august 4. summer's almost over. the year is more than half over, which means the yeard is over half-way to it's potential. what a wild summer. seriously. hanging out with friends, reading about love and zombies, being broken and restored, it's been one heck of a summer. and then there are summer camps, and vbs, and nights at the park, and swine flu. and catching up lost, and psych, and sliders. there's been ddr, and karaoke, and mario kart (kinda), and peanuts, and that weird olympics game on the wii. and i've learned of God's goodness. and His sovereign nature. His provision. i've had talks about baptism, and doctrine, and tradition. there's been excitement, and joy, and confusion, and frustration. i've learned that i am repeatedly attracted to females that are not attracted to me at all. i've realized how much more difficult it is to lose weight than to gain it. it's been one heck of a summer. and i've loved i...