
Showing posts from May, 2012

Does Psalm 69 Apply Today?

INTRODUCTION             While all of Scripture is beneficial and applicable in some manner, there is no other book like the book of Psalms.  The Psalter contains a rich tapestry of history, full of descriptive poetry and every human emotion.  And while most sermons from the Psalter tend to focus on joy and thanksgiving, there is a wealth of psalms that use the language of lamentation to speak to the sorrow and suffering of our hearts.  And within these laments, we find the imprecatory psalms.  These oft overlooked and neglected psalms cry out for justice and divine vengeance, often using harsh and brutal imagery, and Psalm 69 is no different.  Jesus told his disciples that those that follow him would share in his sufferings, so it is only natural that we should take this psalm of suffering and ask if the prayers of imprecation still apply to believers today.