
Thoughts on Political Violence

I don't know if you've noticed lately, but it's been a little tense out there. With people, I mean. Politically. There's a lot to process. The recent assassination attempt on 45 was evil and without any merit whatsoever. It has been denounced by both sides of the political spectrum, and rightfully so. Both Republican and Democratic alike say that there is no place for political violence in our nation. The only problem regarding that sentiment, though: isn't that pretty much what the US is built upon? When colonists came to settle the Americas - the Spanish in the 1490s, and the English in the early 1600s - they did not come in peace and unity. Native Americans were used, slaughtered, and deceived, and later corralled into reservations across the country. When the American colonies were tired of English rule (understandably so, taxation without representation and all that), they rebelled and went to war. We literally just celebrated this a couple of weeks ago. As a n

Marriage, Identity, and Scripture

Earlier today, I was reflecting on my heart.  More specifically, I was reflecting on how poorly I treat my wife sometimes.  Seriously.  Today, I felt if there were a Bad Husband award, I'd be in the running.  Nothing considerably major, like abuse or anything.  But I come from a long lineage of sarcasm and quick wit; more often than not, I use my tongue to destroy far beyond its capacity to build up.

Keep it Simple, Stupid

Depending on which online quote database you use, you will find Albert Einstein saying some variation of the following: If you can't explain  it simply, you don't understand it well enough. This seems like one of those pithy life sayings that almost seems too easy.  It can't be that simple, can it?

The Power of Words

I love words.  Language.  Grammar.  All of it.  I am a lover of good grammar, and am always impressed by a person who displays a robust vocabulary.  There's just something about words, and language in general.  Words have power; to build or destroy; to encourage or humiliate; to love or to hate.  Unfortunately, the problem with words is that they can become quite twisted rather quickly.

Generosity in Action

As many of you already know, we had a semi-tragic loss within our family a couple months ago.  And by semi-tragic, I mean Isaac lost his Ugly Doll that he carried around with him everywhere.  I made the mistake of bringing Turny Burny (said Ugly Doll's name) into WalMart with us as we picked up a few items.  I looked down at one point, and Burny was nowhere to be found.  I searched that store three times.  Every aisle, looking under shelves on every aisle we went down.  I was devastated, even though Isaac really didn't know what had happened.

Of Chik-fil-A and Tolerance

It's been a long time since I actually blogged in here.  I've thought about it for quite some time, even talked about getting back into.  I just couldn't find that last little "oomph" I needed to push me back into it.  Until recently.  I have tried to restrain myself from conversations and threads and blogs, but I have finally broken.  I just can't stand to read about what Chik-fil-A did or did not say in the news.

Does Psalm 69 Apply Today?

INTRODUCTION             While all of Scripture is beneficial and applicable in some manner, there is no other book like the book of Psalms.  The Psalter contains a rich tapestry of history, full of descriptive poetry and every human emotion.  And while most sermons from the Psalter tend to focus on joy and thanksgiving, there is a wealth of psalms that use the language of lamentation to speak to the sorrow and suffering of our hearts.  And within these laments, we find the imprecatory psalms.  These oft overlooked and neglected psalms cry out for justice and divine vengeance, often using harsh and brutal imagery, and Psalm 69 is no different.  Jesus told his disciples that those that follow him would share in his sufferings, so it is only natural that we should take this psalm of suffering and ask if the prayers of imprecation still apply to believers today.